
Aug. 24, 2020 at 9:05 a.m. MDT

"Dominator", can be run in the end zone or in the neutral zone. This game of survival is exhausting for players. On the whistle, the coach spots three pucks into play for either two or three 1vs1's. These groups play 1vs1 against their opponent until a goal is scored. Once a goal is scored the pair retires to the side boards and a new puck is put into play for a new pair. This puck should be spotted clear of the other two battles which are still occurring.

Teaching Points

Offense: Smart attacks and puck management. Risk and reward is a big factor in this drill. Players need to recognize when to attack the triangle or protect the puck and work outside of it.

Defence: Eliminate time and space quickly. Use poke checks and good body position to effectively defend.