Extinction Full Ice

Aug. 24, 2020 at 3:07 p.m. MDT

"Extinction", adds another element to the full ice game. Play begins with a three versus three and it is critical that the coaches enforce all rules. When a goal is scored the team scoring chooses to either add a player to their team or take a player away from the other team resulting in either a 4 versus 3 or 3 versus 2. The team is not able to choose this option for the next round, thus If the team scoring takes away an opponent, the next time they score they must choose the other option. A face-off occurs after each goal. Once a team loses all of their players the game is over. Play a few games and watch the players push the limits with their enthusiasm and intensity!

Teaching Points

Power Play: Quick and deceptive puck movement. Support the puck laterally and behind. Attack lanes and be creative. Penalty Kill: Smart sticks in lanes and on the ice. Defensive side body position and read and react defending (pressure versus contain).