Gate Keeper

Aug. 14, 2020 at 3:20 p.m. MDT

"GateKeeper" is a drill where players cannot hide. The coach spots the puck and two players race to gain possession. The goal of the game is to gain possession and pass the puck to the stationary coach . If the pass is errant the coach feeds a new puck and the drill continues. If the battle exceeds 30 seconds the coach blows the drill down and prepares the next two players. The pass to the coach must be on target as the coach is standing stationary between the two cones. Players who can use their bodies as a shield and are patient with the puck will have great success.

Teaching Points

Offensively: Open passing and skating lanes via puck protection and evasive skating. Puck patience is also critical.

Defensively: Close skating and passing lane to coach via body position on the defensive side and aggressive stick in the lane.