Plyo Extreme

Aug. 19, 2020 at 11:01 a.m. MDT

"Plyo Extreme", serves as an on-ice conditioning activity for players. Players perform 15 second sets and then rest for the same duration. Sequences include: High Knees, Stride Jumpers (side to side), Quick Feet, Cone Jumpers, Stick Jumps, Knee Drops and any other options the coach would like to introduce.This drill is a great way to finish a practice and only takes 2-3 minutes to execute.

Teaching Points

Conditioning: Coaches always need appropriate work to rest ratios. If we want players to work to their maximum we need to provide proper rest or players will simply pace themselves. Read their body language, ask them verbally and pay close attention during the drill. Coaches need to understand players' limits and how hard to push.