Puck Attack

Aug. 24, 2020 at 10:47 a.m. MDT

"Puck Attack", focuses on puckhandling skills, spatial awareness and develops those "soft hands". Each player has two pucks and starts on the goal line. Pucks are placed one in front of the other and about one foot apart. On the whistle, the players stickhandle the first puck for about 3-4 seconds attacking the second puck. They then spot it one foot ahead of the other puck and begin stickhandling the second puck and repeat. Players go from the goalline to the blue line and can rest whenever they need to. Players need to be reminded that it is not a race!!

Teaching Points

Puck handling: Work on both sides of the blade (forehand and backhand toe drag), eyes move up and down to avoid staring at the pucks the entire time, rotate the body around the pucks also as you attack the front puck.