Toe Drag Marathon

Aug. 24, 2020 at 11:02 a.m. MDT

"Toe Drag Marathon", activates the "dynamic blade" and will improve the toe drag significantly. Players begin on the goal line and face their bellies to the side boards. Each player has two pucks which are set 1 foot apart. Players shuffle their feet and toe drag the back puck around the front puck and place it one foot in front (continuous until they reach the blue line). Players can stop and rest at any time. As a progression, have players attempt the backhand toe drag and work from the other side of the pucks. It is important players keep their belly facing the boards during the shuffle.

Teaching Points

Toe Drag: Heal of the blade comes off of the ice and toe drag occurs by using the toe portion of the stick. As players improve, the speed of the hands will increase and the drill becomes much quicker. Stress execution and technique versus speed initiatlly.