Goal Line Greatness

Aug. 24, 2020 at 9:12 a.m. MDT

"Goal Line Greatness", is an intimate game that creates "Real World" learning and repetition in a small area. Learning to read and react in the area along the boards is very important in player development. The coach feeds a puck into the area for a 1vs1 or 2vs2 battle. Players are encouraged to use the boards to create a competitive edge (chip and chase, indirect passes). Goaltenders are also challenged and enjoy the opportunity to stop banked shots! Shifts should be about 20 seconds and on the whistle players exit and new partners prepare to enter the battle!!!

Teaching Points

Keys: Awareness in the area along the boards via head on a swivel. Head is up and players are always in control of their bodies. Players should attempt to "roll off of the check", spin and avoid being trapped on the boards with shoulders perpendicular. Quick and aggressive sticks are necessary to recover pucks in traffic and create chances.