Igloo Transition

Aug. 17, 2020 at 1:36 p.m. MDT

"Igloo Transition" creates a unique transition game for players. Each team lines up behind a designated cone on the boards. The coach feeds the puck into the corner and players play 1vs1. The first player to touch the puck attempts to score, if the defender gains possession they must transition to offense by passing the puck to the first player in their line. If pucks are shot out of the Igloo area, the coach yells "New Puck" and feeds a new puck into the area and identifies who is on offence. Shifts should be 30 seconds in duration. For the Initiation and Novice levels this drill works great as a battle drill without the transition option.

Teaching Points

Offensive: Puck protection in the "Danger Zone", head on a swivel, chips and bank passes to the transition option., roll the check ability.

Defensive: Eliminate the passing lane to the transition option, heavy stick on the puck, balance and posture when defending versus lunging at the puck carrier.