Inside Outside Tempo Attack

Aug. 17, 2020 at 2:29 p.m. MDT

"Inside Outside Tempo Attack" creates tempo and high speed execution opportunity in your practice. On the coaches whistle, two players begin from each end. The board side players drive skate all the way into the neutral zone without a puck and both receive passes from the inside player at both ends who begin with a puck and accelerate to the blue line prior to cutting to mid-ice and making the pass. The inside players then join each of the receivers in the 2vs0. On the whistle, the next four players begin.

Teaching Points

Giver: Read the speed and angle of the receiver and adjust the velocity accordingly. Head up and eyes up to communicate. Stay on-side on the attack. Receiver: Call for the puck using your voice, create a good pass angle for reception and read the positioning of the puck carrier. Skate with stick on the ice in the pass reception area and avoid pitch fork skating while receiving the puck.