Net Escape

Aug. 19, 2020 at 10:54 a.m. MDT

"Net Escape" challenges skating skills under pressure in a small area station. On the whistle, two players begin on the opposite sides of the net which is laid face down on the ice. One player chases and the other attempts to avoid being tagged. Players battle for about twenty seconds and then rest and switch roles. If the chaser catches the puck carrier they re-start on opposite sides of the net. This drill simulates "Bugs Bunny Stick Chase" but the net adds another dimension in the challenge!!

Teaching Points

Chaser: Be deceptive by changing directions quickly to trick the chaser. Stay tight to the net and avoid flaring out. The head should always be up to read the opponent. Evader: Always watch the chaser. Read and react to the change of direction quickly. Stay close to the net. Both players can use both a crossover or a heal to heal 'Crosby Pivot'.