Scrambled Eggs Tempo

Aug. 25, 2020 at 5:06 p.m. MDT

"Scrambled EggsTempo", is a high tempo chaos drill which works on skating and puck handling skills in small areas with traffic and obstacles. On the whistle, three players enter 1/2 of the neutral zone from each side and chaos with a puck. On the whistle they hustle to the end of their line with their head up as three new players enter immediately with pucks. Shifts should be about twenty seconds in length and controlled by the whistle.

Teaching Points

Puck Control: Head up and on a swivel to avoid traffic. Make fakes and deceptive moves around the cones (toe drags, flip ups, stick fakes, head fakes, body fakes). Skating: Players skate from the waist down and handle the puck from the waist up. These two independent systems have to work together to achieve success.